
Hi there. I'm Laura. I'm a wife to Mark and a mom to 4 lovely, but crazy, kids.  Life is like a rollercoaster, but I prefer it this way, at least most of the time.

I have a full-time job outside of the home, at a lab, where I play with bacteria. Kinda cool. But not where my heart is. I feel like we all need to do things that make our hearts happy! When I have free time, I enjoy creating mixed media projects, reading other blogs, flipping through magazines and books, spending time with friends over a cup of coffee, and just hanging out with my family. Sometimes life can get a little hectic, and that's when I need to remember how lucky I am to for all the little moments in my everyday life.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment so that I could meet you. I also work FT outside the home at a place where my heart isn't necessarily captured. I enjoy creating all sorts of stuff. I have crazy kids and a hectic life and am thankful for the little moments. We have so much in common! xo
