

Positive Quote Typography Print - Believe You Can And You're Halfway There A3

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Happy Friday everyone. You're almost there. To the weekend, that is.
I won't be doing the FridayWrap today. Not a single photo taken, and no stories to share. Well, there is one story, but that is still strictly hush-hush for a few more weeks.
Update: I will be doing the FridayWrap, even if this is not my usual format. I was over at Life Rearranged (click the button to go there and join in), checking out other InstaFriday posts, and I just felt too left out.
life rearranged
Basically, I'm just in the flow of packing. Countdown is on. 5 days. Was supposed to be 6, but hey, when 1 pair of muscles has to attend a Pizza Hut training class, you just change moving day because you really, really need every pair of muscles you can get.
We're on track with packing. Master bedroom done yesterday, but not the closet. The only major space untouched is the kitchen, and that will be done on Tuesday.  Alec has not packed a single thing, which kind of worries me. But he is cool about it . "Don't worry, Mom". He does have a 3 day weekend since today there is no school due to the teacher in-service.
Oh, there is one other story to share. I sold a canvas. My 1st on Etsy. My 2nd sale (well, technically 3rd if we include my mom-in-law's purchase). But my 2nd for total stranger purchases.
I have to admit, I have been feeling a little down about this whole Etsy shop/blog dream of mine. Felt like it really hasn't been growing like I had hoped for. But truth be told, I have not been pouring all of my heart into it for the last 4-6 weeks. Been distracted by other things in life. But that e-mail in my inbox got me SUPER excited. Woo hoo! And I am cutting back my job hours starting October 1st, so I should have lots of creative energy and love pouring out of me pretty soon. Right after that move and then the beach house the following week.
Soooo, in closing, remember to believe in yourself and just keep working hard. Because:         "Believe you can & you're halfway there"
Thanks for stopping by.


Friday Wrap (InstaFriday)

Howdy folks.

I know, it's not Friday. That was 5 days ago. But hey. I started the post last Friday, and just finished it today. Wednesday. Don't be hatin'. Life is crazy. Super duper crazy to the nth degree. I have crazy I haven't even shared yet. But here it is. Enjoy.

Missed everyone last week, so this will be the two week update.

We're on track with the move. Been packing and painting and purging.

This is what happens when you lean too close to the wet wall. Not pretty!

This is one of the many reasons I love this dog so much. He just sits there waiting patiently for some lovin'.
What it looks like when good dogs go wild. They must have smelled the feathers inside the throw pillow when I took the cover off to wash it. We woke up to this mess. Who knew so, so many feathers fit inside one throw pillow. Mark used a leaf blower to suck up the feathers. It was an ingeniuos idea!

Our first new lunch find near the new house. Grimaldi's Pizzeria. Fresh, yummy pizza (pesto with mushroom for me and pepperoni for Mark). And an anitpasto salad. We likey. Will go back. But not with the kiddos. Not really a kid joint. But a glass of red wine would be perfection!

Join the fun by clicking on the button below.
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Peace out!


Missing You

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Sorry I abandoned you. For a week. The shame!

It's just that this life has been hectic. What with finding a new house and dealing with all that. And packing up the old house. And trying to get ready for the big move in 14 days.

Yes. I said 14 days. Yikes!

But please don't forget about me. I will be back to regular blogging soon. And I will be back for the Friday Wrap tomorrow.

See you then!


To-do List

Yesterday turned out to be super productive. I was able to finish most of the painting. There are some areas along the top part of the wall that were too high for me to reach, and I ran out of paint. So I will be buying 1 last quart of boring white paint and asking Mark for help with the high areas.

I also started packing. I packed about a dozen boxes, and as I look around today, I realize that I have only touched the surface. There is soooo much more to pack. The good news is that I started a yard sale box, with decor objects. The new house is not going to have as much room for all the art and pretty tchotskies that we have now. And honestly, I want to simplify. So I am trying to thin out the merchandise. Just wait till I hit my art studio! I'm already having chest pains!!!

When I finally called it quits, I treated myself to a bath with a coveted bath bomb from Downtown Disney (Basin). I only have 1 left. I have been hoarding them for 2 years, since the store closed. They smell soooo good! While I soaked in the tub, I had a jumbo margarita to go along with it. And I watched the August Donna Downey video from her Canvas Create class. It was a nice way to reward myself for all the hard work!

So what's on the agenda for today?

Trip to Lowe's for a quart of paint.
Finish packing the downstairs closet and more of the family room.
Clean off my art desk. Purge supplies.
Paint a canvas. Just have some fun. I figure I will deserve it!


Plans Gone Bad

Plans Gone Bad.

Not horribly bad. Not in a awful kind of way. Or a tragic kind of way. But bad nonetheless.

I had planned a full and productive day. Went to work a few hours early yesterday so I could come home early and get lots of sleep and wake up refreshed. Nope. Couldn't fall asleep until 2:30 am. Then never really fell into a deep sleep. Felt like I could hear everything going on around me for the 4 hours I did sleep. So sad. I really, really like my sleep.

Planned on breakfast with mom and lunch with dad. And a quick stop by the new house to gaze at it longingly. Nope. Little one home sick today. Had to cancel all plans.

Planned on painting this afternoon. Hmmmm. Maybe I could do that in the morning and then pack this afternoon. Yep. New Plans.

So, it's time for me to walk away from the laptop and go be productive.  3 days off in a row. Should be able to get some things done, right?


Friday Wrap (InstaFriday)

Hello peeps. It's a day late, but here I am with the weekly wrap up for my roller coaster life.

The world would be a better place if Culver's served this Peanut Butter Dream frozen custard daily. Seriously.

I have some very big news. Wait for it...................................................................
We're heading out of CG at the end of the month. Waiting for the house rental approval, but crossing our fingers for the house in Chandler. Lots of sweat and tears went into this decision, but at the end of the day, we simply feel like it is the best decision for our family. And all the little reasons are too private to share here. But send us good wishes to help with this transition. They would be much appreciated. And if you have some free time, give us a holler. We love help. And we'll have some icy cold beer to share.

So, after 8 weeks, we need to paint that red wall back to white. I won't even tell you how Mark wishes I never asked forced him to paint it red in the first place. So I had to add this heart to the wall. I will be painting over it, but this way we will always have left a piece of our heart, and ourselves, behind. As a part of the house. Forever and ever.

 And on to other things I ask force Mark to do. Dumpster diving. For packing boxes. May the games begin!

And one last pic to make you laugh. Or give you nightmares. We met up with the big boy and his girl and had an old fashioned family dinner. So of course I had to whip out the camera phone to document the special moment, but none of the kids would make pretty faces for me. They act all tortured. As if!So you get our pretty faces instead.

Now go out and have a wonderful day!

And if you want to join the party, click on the link below and add your photos.

life rearranged