
Kitchen Inspiration

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9

Some inspiration for my kitchen. We rent, so I can't do anything too drastic. But I want to add some oomph. I have a red kitchen aid mixer that started as the inspiration piece, then added a few pieces in turquoise for the pop. Now I thinking I may want to paint the kitchen chairs and add a very small island.

What are you dreaming about today?


Thoughts on Blogging....

Jana Miller

[ image from Jana Miller ]
OK. It's been a while hasn't it. Other than the Friday Wrap posts.
There were technical difficulties. My laptop crashed. So I had to use the I-pad for blogging. Which isn't the easiest.
But then I got my laptop back. Yes. Super happy girl. And I got all my photos back. Ecstatic girl!
But I lost the desire to blog. Taking almost 2 weeks off left me indifferent to blogging. Why? Because I get discouraged.
No one reads this. No one cares. Why do I even bother???
So I spent a few days thinking over my options. Quit. Continue. Quit. Continue. Quit. Continue.....
But this little voice in my head kept whispering to continue....
I like it. It gives me something to do that I truly enjoy. It makes me look at the world around me differently. To notice the little things. To take so, so many photos of the world around me. To strive to do better with my photography. To learn new skills that I can apply to this little part of the Internet.
So I will continue. And I will try to do what I want. To share what inspires me. To stretch and grow.
Just for me. Because that is enough.....
But if you should happen to leave a comment from time to time, know that I get crazy excited!!!


The Weekly Capture

Trying out a new drink at home. Starbucks refresher packets. Just add cold H20 and ice.

Why do the dogs drink pool water? When there is a big bowl of fresh water in the house?

So much happiness for PL for a mere $20.

Making dinner for the family. Trying to see it as an act of love rather than a chore...

Morning routine. Alarm. Find reading glasses. Catch up on e-mails, FB and IG. Brain awake.

What? Did you think we only eat fresh brocoli around here? Sprinkles = love. For sure!

Yes. Relaxing in the backyard barefoot. Tryiing to soak up every moment of this mild winter.

Tried to be more mindful of the moments this week. And to take out the camera. I can't always rely on the Tater photos!

Linking up with Jeannette at Life Rearranged.

Now go have a fabulous weekend!


Little Packages

A day of quiet. No commintments. No chores. No work.

A day to play.

So I did. Play. I started work on a couple of canvases. And waited for the paint to dry.

But I'm impatient. So I grabbed some mini canvas panels I picked up a few weeks ago.

And painted. And wrote words. And added details in gold paint marker. That one marker that is my favoriite marker in the whole world. The one that I would want with me if I got stranded on a desert island.

But I digress. I painted these little 2 x 2 inch canvas panels. And added magents on the back of a couple. And I think I will save the others to use in my Project Life spreads. They're pretty thin so they will work perfect for custom embellishments.

Let me know what you think!



Today...I finished cleaning out that one drawer stuffed with random photos and cards and school papers and baby announcements from the past 4 years. 

Today...I smiled over good memories and squealed over how cute my littles were when their faces were chubbier and more child-like than teen and got teary eyed over how much they have changed in just a few short years. 

Today...I remembered why I started scrapbooking all those years ago when boy #1 was born. October of 1992. And why I have made hundred of pages and filled dozens of binders and made countless mini albums and now preserve memories with project life. 

Today...I am so very happy that I played with patterned paper and glue dots and stickers and cardstock over the past 21 years. And that I took so very many photos. 


The Weekly Capture

Condolences // playtime with Tater // binge tv // snuggles // miracles

What happened this week?  My laptop crashed. Hard drive died. And I'm an idiot. No backup for my thousands of photos. Repair shop wants $900 to fix it with no guarantee of retrieving the data. I cried. For an hour. My kids were sweet and hugged me. Then I let son #1 know that all his photos that he put on my laptop were gone. All of them. Like, since his baby was born. And I cried some more. Then I tried to find the silver lining in the storm cloud. A few hous later Tater came over to make me smile. She's good at that! 

Speaking of Tater, she is one chunky monkey! She has a big roll on her knees now. And she sits up all by herself and plays with toys. And practices standing up. I hear she's trying to crawl, but I haven't seen that yet. 

We finished Season 3 of Homeland. In 3 days. Full of suspense and less crazy eyeballs than Season 2. You should check it out. And who has to be touching me and take naps on my lap when we're doing said binge watching? That would be Daisy. 

Lastly, thank you Fry's for adding that fabulous Starbucks to your store!  That couch makes the 2 hours I wait while my mom grocery shops so much more comfortable!

Linking up with Jeannette at Life Rearreanged. 

Have a fabulousness weekend!



Support Handmade

January's theme: Wood

1. Wooden winter toys from BumbleFlyNButterBees

Wooden Winter Woods with Snowman and Tree

2.  Men's ring by JewerlybyJohan

Mens Titanium Ring with inner Sindora Wood sleeve

3.  Wooden Ampersand by ThePineNuts

18" Wooden Ampersand Mint Navy Pine Wood Sign Wall Decor Americana Rustic Chic Wedding Guest Book Engagement Photo Prop Nursery Kids Decor

4.  Reclaimed Wood Art by EarthArtbyWendy

Eco Friendly Reclaimed Wood Wall Art - Set of 6          (1002-55-6)

5.  Wooden camera flair by AFlairforButtons

Wooden cameras flair

Don't forget to support homemade by visiting Etsy the next time you're looking for a little something for yourself or a to give as a gift.



On the drive home from Disneyland we passed through San Diego (of course we did, that place is like a magnet for me). And you can't skip the beach if you are only 10 min away. Especially if Tater has never been to the beach. So, as the sun was setting over the horizon, the Bell family kicked off  their shoes and ran to the waves. And I alternated between taking photos and closing my eyes and tilting my head back to feel the sun and ocean breeze on my face.

Some day, SD, you will be the place where I live. You are already my home. With a long commute.


The Weekly Capture

adults only lunch // tater teething // Starbucks window art // artist intensity // flowers

Last weekend was my first non-working weekend and I'm loving the new schedule. The girls went to visit my mom for 2 nights, and the boy is never home anymore thanks to a thriving social life, so we spent 2 days kid free. Saturday we went grocery shopping and had a "Homeland Season 2" marathon, along with this simple lunch. Tried some Irish cheddar. Tasted more like swiss cheese, but there is nothing wrong with swiss cheese in my book.

Sunday we had our first family meal. We invited all the family and had enchiladas/beans/rice and chips and salsa/watermelon margaritas under the lights in the back yard. The weather is incredible here and we're trying to remember to eat outdoors more. It was great seeing everyone for a non-holiday get together. Looking forward to doing this once a month in 2014.

Otherwise, there was coffee and a chocolate caramel muffin shared with my mom followed by quiche for dinner (adults liked this, but not the kids). School routine is back in full force. Katie continues to draw. Mark gave me "make-up" flowers. 

Basically, life happened.

And that's just the way I like it.

Linking up with Jeannette at Life Rearranged.


Disneyland (Day 3)

Day 3 of Disneyland. Not as many pics. But lots of memories, for sure.

Faves of this trip include snow that smelled like cinnamon and nutmeg sitting on our hair, Tater's absolute excitement when she saw that Ariel doll, valet parking at Downtown Disney, World of Color Frozen edition, and of course, having all my peeps gathered up and spending time with me......

It was a really, really good trip.

The End.