


Yep. Let's just all agree that she's a cutie!

Tater @ 18 weeks. September 2013


Friday Wrap

It's the end of another week.

 Time to reflect on the moments and share a few photos from the cell phone.

And linking up with Jeannette at Life Rearranged and Lauren at Lauren Elizabeth and Darci at The Good Life.

1st volleyball game//team didn't do too well, but that leaves lots of room for improvement

1st time preparing and eating brussel sprouts (on the stalk no less)

had to check her chest to see if she was breathing//just in a deep sleep

watercolors and gold gel pen//creative play happened

 2nd attempt at kitchen made pizza//dough rolled out better but then I overcooked it
 Have a fabulous weekend everyone!


Just Add Water

 Last night I did something I haven't done in a while.
I played.
And it made me happy.
The end.



What I'm listening to right now.

Don't judge if I'm behind the times.

I live in a radio wasteland.


1.  Elephant by Tame Impala

2.  Ways to Go by Grouplove
3.  Global Concepts by Robert Delong
Now go put on some music that makes you happy!


Food Porn (aka Whole Foods)

Can you believe I have never been to a Whole Foods store? It's right down the street, but I've just not gone there in the year that we have lived here.

I fell in love as soon as I walked through the door.

Everything is super pretty.

And smells wonderful.

And whispered to me. To jump into my cart.

But I was strong. I picked up string beans and sliced turkey and that's it.

Wait. There may have been a bouquet of sunflowers too.

Then I saw the desert area. Whoa! The heavens parted and angels started to sing.


2 mini cakes joined the cart. But no ice cream or popsicles or candy or cupcakes.

But I will be back. Yes. I will be back.


Friday Wrap

It's the end of another week.

 Time to reflect on the moments and share a few photos from the cell phone.

And linking up with Jeannette at Life Rearranged and Lauren at Lauren Elizabeth. And Darci at The Good Life.

But this week will be a bit different. I didn't take any photos this week. I think I overloaded last week for my Week in the Life project.

And since I didn't share a Friday Wrap post last week, I thought I'd pick a few of my faves from that week.
1.every week I find myself pushing one of these carts around
2. squeaky clean Tater
3. sitting back watching my family growing up
4. wishing for Fall temps
5. toothless smiles
6. scene while making dinner
7. tender moments
8. my life: colorful, messy, and cozy
Thanks for stopping by!
Now go have an awesome weekend!


Lately I can't get enough of strong sunlight in my photos.

I just love this blown out shot, with all it's graininess.

And I kinda love the little ninja (her mama's nickname) too!

photo by me august 2013. 16 weeks old.


81 days (Disney Craft)

I've been planning on making a paper chain to help countdown the final 100 days until we leave for Disneyland.

Today was that day.

But apparently I can't count.

Turns out today is only 81 days until we leave.

That error works for me.....I'm 19 days closer to visiting the Mouse.

Anyways, I decided to use pipe cleaners rather than paper.

It's pretty simple, but here are some photos to help guide you:

pick out colors:

cut pipe cleaners in half:

make a circle, add another and another and another....

admire your hard work

And where did I hang my Disney chain? Right outside the front door, so we can pull off a chain every day when we head out of the house.

total cost: $3.28
total time: 15 min.

Now go have an awesome day!


Craftcation 2014

Just signed up. 

craftcation conference for creative makers

What is it?

Craftcation conference is a four day conference featuring industry professionals leading attendees in lectures on creative small business and teaching hands-on craft and food workshops.

Plus it's in Ventura. California. And everybody got time for the beach. Right?

Looking for a roommate if anyone is interested......


Week in the Life (Sunday Recap)

Hellllllooooooo everyone!

We have made it through the week.

Here are my final photos to share for WITL.

Sunday was a work day, so I just shot a few photos before I headed out the door.

Just a glimpse of the "right now".

typical sink scene

fave throw for TV time

life right now

sleeping twins

break time

2 am heading home
It's a wrap!
See you soon with ideas on how I'm assembling my Week in the Life binder.


Week in the Life (Saturday Recap)

Hello everyone!

6 days down and 1 to go.

It's been a lot of work. But sooooo worth it!

Wouldn't you agree?

Here are my photos from Saturday.

morning view

on our way

wide open road
 making choices

E's perspective

birthday mom + her kiddos
fave pit stop

afternoon light
one of the last swims this season
hunting lizards
So, I made a change today.
I stopped with the idea of 1 photo per hour. I just took a photo when something spoke to me.
And I'm super happy with today's mix of captured images. It just feels right.
Now it's your turn to share with me.