Last month we went to Ikea and bought my husband a desk, the same desk that I got 6 months ago. They kinda look like the ones in picture #2, but they have white tops. How did we pick these desks? Mine was in the As Is area, for $15. The legs were red, but some gold spray paint fixed that problem. And we wanted the desks to match so that's what my husband got stuck with. He has never had a desk of his own, and truthfully, I was tired of seeing his laptop and fantasy football papers on the kitchen table every night.
So we decided to get him a desk of his own and I made the commitment to clean out one of my file cabinets (the ones pictured in #8) to store his papers/stuff in. I keep all my craft supplies in 3 of these cabinets, so emptying one out meant I had to do some major purging. We have our desks back to back at the moment, but we could move them side by side on a wall if we choose to rearrange the space one day.
I really love working on projects and looking across the table to see him on his laptop. I think he likes seeing me across from him too. And I know he enjoys having a space all his own.
The problem now is how to keep the desks clean. I tend to leave multiple projects lying around on mine, and he tends to leave the laptop bag and mail on his. But I love the clean look of the above offices So we will just keep trying to clean off the desk surfaces every day.
We're still working on decorating the walls in the room. And I want to add plants to the top of a low bookshelf. And clean out that last file cabinet of mine. And I really want
this rug to come live under our desks and behave itself by lying flat at all times and not shift around. Area rugs make me crazy when they start shifting around.
How about you? Do you have a dedicated space for crafting or laptop play time? Do you keep it clean or is it messy most of the time? Any favorite inspiration photos you have pinned? Do share!
P.S. If I owned this house, rather than renting it, I would totally install wood beams on the ceiling in our living room/office space, like the one in picture #2, but darker. I actually have a whole list of projects I would love to do to this house. If it were mine. And I had a treasure chest full of money in the master bedroom closet!