
Kindness [One Little Word 2014]

kindness has always been in style. do unto others.
[image from Pinterest, but not linked to original source]

My word for the new year: Kindness.

I mean, the world could use some kindness. Always.

But really, this word picked me. Because, I have noticed a lack of kindness in myself lately.

Well, saying I lack kindness may be strong. But I have been behaving with less kindness as I get older.

I used to see the good in people. But lately I seem to focus on the bad. And I complain too much.

I'm crankier and I care less about what others think. And I don't like what I see in the mirror.

I don't take the time for the little things that can make others smile. And I don't like the way this makes my heart feel.

So, I'm trying to rekindle the kindness within me.

And to help me remember to act with kindness, I'm going to take Ali Edwards One Little Word class. The 2013 version. Because I enrolled in the class last year, but never entered the classroom. Not once. But I will this year. Starting today.

How about you? Did you pick a word for 2014?

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