
The Weekly Capture

Made an Ikea run on Saturday. And apparently Mark felt a little sassy during his power tool photo shoot. We bought Mark a desk so he has his own space, right across from my desk. So we can make googly love eyes at each other. Cause that's what we do when we have a day off together.

Check out the thighs on this kiddo. Serious rolls are happening. It's amazing how much she changes in a week or two. And we seriously appreciate every moment we get to spend with Tater. We took the kids out dinner at Fudruckers and then babysat for a few hours while her parents went to the movies. She watched the Grammy's and danced and sang and clapped.

Spent a few hours working on some blog posts and sipping on my new drink of choice. A Valencia Orange Refresher. Yum.

Kids picked Anchorman 2 for the January family movie. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

We also went out on date night with friends. Ate at Oregano's and went to see Her. Very interesting movie.

Linking up with Jeannette at Life Rearranged.

That's it for this week. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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