
The Weekly Capture

 movie night
doggy bagel treats
 always a sketchbook
celebrating twelve
great grandpa and a cupcake
trying to break the $5.00 latte habit
Busy week. Lots of birthday moments. Sleepover, pizza and tokens with friends. A family party the next day with steaks and spice cake and sharing the birthdays wishes with other February babies (my dad, Mark, and Mark's sister).
Saw the Lego movie. Laughed so, so much. Go see it!
Not sure when I became the person who buys her dogs treats while at the bagel shop. But I am. And they loved them.
Heading off to San Diego for the weekend to celebrate Mark turning 1 year older.
Now go have a fabulous weekend!
Linking up with Jeannette at Life Rearranged.


  1. Your daughter is an amazing artist. No wonder she carries a sketch book around with her!!

    1. she will be so excited for the positive feedback! Thanks so much!
