
The Weekly Capture

Condolences // playtime with Tater // binge tv // snuggles // miracles

What happened this week?  My laptop crashed. Hard drive died. And I'm an idiot. No backup for my thousands of photos. Repair shop wants $900 to fix it with no guarantee of retrieving the data. I cried. For an hour. My kids were sweet and hugged me. Then I let son #1 know that all his photos that he put on my laptop were gone. All of them. Like, since his baby was born. And I cried some more. Then I tried to find the silver lining in the storm cloud. A few hous later Tater came over to make me smile. She's good at that! 

Speaking of Tater, she is one chunky monkey! She has a big roll on her knees now. And she sits up all by herself and plays with toys. And practices standing up. I hear she's trying to crawl, but I haven't seen that yet. 

We finished Season 3 of Homeland. In 3 days. Full of suspense and less crazy eyeballs than Season 2. You should check it out. And who has to be touching me and take naps on my lap when we're doing said binge watching? That would be Daisy. 

Lastly, thank you Fry's for adding that fabulous Starbucks to your store!  That couch makes the 2 hours I wait while my mom grocery shops so much more comfortable!

Linking up with Jeannette at Life Rearreanged. 

Have a fabulousness weekend!

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