
Little Packages

A day of quiet. No commintments. No chores. No work.

A day to play.

So I did. Play. I started work on a couple of canvases. And waited for the paint to dry.

But I'm impatient. So I grabbed some mini canvas panels I picked up a few weeks ago.

And painted. And wrote words. And added details in gold paint marker. That one marker that is my favoriite marker in the whole world. The one that I would want with me if I got stranded on a desert island.

But I digress. I painted these little 2 x 2 inch canvas panels. And added magents on the back of a couple. And I think I will save the others to use in my Project Life spreads. They're pretty thin so they will work perfect for custom embellishments.

Let me know what you think!

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