
Friday Wrap

It's the end of another week.

 Time to reflect on the moments and share a few photos from the cell phone.

And linking up with Jeannette at Life Rearranged and Lauren at Lauren Elizabeth and Darci at The Good Life.

1.  Temp finally dropped enough to enjoy sitting outside again.

2.  First sleepover with Tater. Slept 10 hours straight. We so rock as grandparents! #timetobuyabiggerbed

3.  Disneyland tickets and hotel are paid in full. Package arrived with our info and lanyards.

4.  Daisy hunting for gazelle on the savanna lizards in the backyard.

5. New baby grass. While other parts of the country are seeing their first dusting of snow, we have planted our winter grass. #isurvivedanotherphoenixsummer

6.  Golfing and haunted house with all the kids. But couldn't fit everyone in one selfie. Had to split the group up. #somepeoplehavetoomanykids

7.  Tater eating blueberries and apples. Very enthusiastically!

8.  Really? Christmas catalogs arriving on the last week of October. Too early!

9.  This kid says he is never having any kids. But he loves being an uncle. #likeaboss

Thanks for stopping by. Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Love the photos...snaps shots of life.

    1. I skipped this post last week to try something new, but turns out I missed documenting some of those little moments of our week. You should join in sometime!

  2. congratulations on surviving the Phoenix summer.... I'm about to survive a Minnesota winter... Hmm... We ought to work something out... xo
