
The Weekly Capture

//catching up with a friend//
//light and shadows//
//craft time//
//assortment of colors//
//introducing the 3rd generation to Someburros//
//sigh...new sheets//
//gouche play//
//1st view of a beautiful morning//

Remember a few weeks ago I spoke about cutting back on Starbucks? Well, I have. But it just makes meeting friends there that much more special!

My love for this light is not fading at all.

Our niece and nephew came over and stayed with us overnight last weekend, so of course I had to break out some new canvases and paint and let the finger painting begin.

While this was not Tater's first time inside Someburro's (a family owned place that I was introduced to in college and have been to 2.7 million times since), it was her first time eating their food. It turns out refried beans are a current fave of hers.

I hate buying new sheets. Hate how much they cost, hate making decisions on which ones to buy...which means I usually only own 1 or 2 sets at a time. It was time to buy a new set and I went with jersey cotton this time. Very happy. Not sure how long they will hold up compared to the Egyptian cotton I usually buy, but I like the softness factor. And the price. And hubby gets a gold star for picking out the stripes ( I was not capable of making the decision).

I took some time this week to slow down and play a bit every morning before I had to leave for work.  I'm still working my way through this class.

1.5 years living in this house, and I still love opening my eyes and seeing green when I look out the bedroom window. Go trees!

That's it for this week. Have a fabulous Sunday!

Linking up with Jeannette at Life Rearranged.

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