
The Weekly Capture

// seeing the beauty in the everyday //
// watching the soccer game of a friend's son // 
// relaxing in the backyard //
// hike #2 and BBQ for lunch with this amazing kid of mine (also with e, m, and tater)
// tater sleepover + bath = sweet smelling 10.5 month old //
// image from a FB feed. produced a BIG smile //
// touched the table and all my tulip petals instantly fell off // 
// stealing a few quiet moments by myself with bloglovin and an iced coffee //

Linking up with Jeannette at Life Rearranged.

Now go have a fabulous weekend!


  1. The radishes (I think) are beautiful! I don't think I've ever actually eaten one though.

    1. I've never seen so many different colored radishes before. I didn't buy any, just took a photo. Lol!
