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One of my new favorite things to do is create collages of random images linked by a common theme.

Today's theme: beach

All images from Pinterest.

You can follow me on Pinterest here.


Project Life [week 17]

Sharing week 17 (April 18 - 24, 2014) of my project life binder today.

left side:

right side:

favorite details:
1.  wooden ampersand
2. cork camera and lots of letter stickers
3. stamped words for each photo
4. pie chart of week's activities


I Spy...Quiet Moments

Tater went and turned one a couple of weeks ago.  There was a huge birthday party but I wasn't able to get any traditional photos, because the paparazzi were blocking my view. Let's just say there were a few people with cameras and camcorders to document the moment. Rather than getting too frustrated, I put the camera down and just focused on enjoying what was going on around me, knowing that there will always be other moments to document.

And there was later that day when all the family and friends left. It was just us. The 8 of us. And I'm finding that those quiet moments are the best. So the brave ones went swimming in the chilly water as the sun went down. The rest of us hung out and relaxed and shot a photo or two.....


Show and Share

I keep coming back to these words, over and over again.

Oh darling, let's be adventurers.

See the bits of map showing through the paint?

I'm really loving making pages in my art journal with some weight and texture.

This means layers of paper or stickers or whatever, followed by gesso and more layers with paint.

This week I discovered if I wrote with a gelato, then lightly sprayed the writing, the words would just pop off the page. I'm calling this a good discovery!

And in an effort to make sure I spend some time every week creating something, I will be sharing a peek in a post on Mondays.

Maybe from the art journal. Maybe a scrapbook page (I'm back to making a few of those again). Maybe a canvas. Who knows...it will be a surprise.


The Weekly Capture

This week:

Tater tried to get the girls to toss the volleyball to her...

the fave songs of the week in teen/tween land are All of Me by John Legend (emma) and Fancy by Iggy Azalea (katie)...

I was lucky enough to have a sweet baby fall asleep in my lap while having girl time over a cup of coffee....

I got some love and support from my firstborn and his family, involving Tater, a latte, and peanut butter cups...
I spent some time in the dentist chair having a tooth pulled and a bone graft. It was painful and I have to say that I truly despise going to the dentist. But I love having teeth and I'd like to keep them for a while.....

Not the best week here, but there are still moments to remember, which is the point of the weekly capture...

Linking up with Jeannette at Life Rearranged.

Now go have an amazing weekend!


If I Had a Million Dollars....

What would you do if you had a nice chunk of money to spend, whether from the lottery or working hard to save a few dollars here and there?

I would travel.

No need to think this one out. I have always had serious wanderlust.

I also chose a life that includes 4 children.

So when I travel, it involves loading up the car and driving a max of 8 hours.

But one day travel will involve a plane and limitless possibilities.

Here are just a few destinations on my bucket list....

1.  Greece
Corfu, Greece. Another place I need to explore.
2.  London
One day....
3.  New Orleans
French Quarter, New Orleans
4.  Italy
Rome, Italy (by L.C. Photography on Flickr)
5.  Hawaii
Fun in the surf! on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii • Clark Little Photography
6.  Washington D.C.
The Lincoln Memorial as seen on the reflection pool in Washington DC.
7.  Paris
le petit zinc  St Germain des Pres  Paris by rebeccaplotnick, $30.00
p.s.....click on each photo for the link to the source of these amazing photographs.


Project Life [week 15 and 16]

Sharing week 15 and 16 from my Project Life album:

Week 15
left side:
right side:
favorite details:

Week 16
left side:
right side:
favorite details: