
If I Had a Million Dollars....

What would you do if you had a nice chunk of money to spend, whether from the lottery or working hard to save a few dollars here and there?

I would travel.

No need to think this one out. I have always had serious wanderlust.

I also chose a life that includes 4 children.

So when I travel, it involves loading up the car and driving a max of 8 hours.

But one day travel will involve a plane and limitless possibilities.

Here are just a few destinations on my bucket list....

1.  Greece
Corfu, Greece. Another place I need to explore.
2.  London
One day....
3.  New Orleans
French Quarter, New Orleans
4.  Italy
Rome, Italy (by L.C. Photography on Flickr)
5.  Hawaii
Fun in the surf! on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii • Clark Little Photography
6.  Washington D.C.
The Lincoln Memorial as seen on the reflection pool in Washington DC.
7.  Paris
le petit zinc  St Germain des Pres  Paris by rebeccaplotnick, $30.00
p.s.....click on each photo for the link to the source of these amazing photographs.

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