
Friday Wrap

Wow, how can it be Friday again? This summer is going by too fast!

Linking up with Jeannett @ Life Rearranged as usual, sharing snippets of our life from the past week.

 1. To celebrate Father's Day, we went bowling and burger eating @ Fudruckers (note the baby feet included in the family photo)

2.  Got lots of time with Tater Tot.
3.  Had a nice, relaxing week with no headaches.
4.  Added some temporary blue to my hair.
5.  Spent lots of time with my son and his family.

6.  Booked the December visit to Disneyland (photo from Disneyland's FB page)
 7.  Started a new charm bracelet. That blue one is a Polaroid camera. It stole my heart!b

8.   Made our Sand Bucket list for 2013. See blog post here
Also, we're going to see Monster University later today, watched World War Z last night, there was lots of time spent swimming, sleeping in, laughter (and anger) as a family, good eating, and many more memories created. It was a good week around here....
Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. How was World War Z? I saw your comment on Meg's blog and clicked over to see your Summer List.

  2. Looks like you had a fun week. I would love to bring the family to Disney some day. What fun! And also, Tater Tot is a little cutie!!! xo, ab
