
Friday Wrap

Happy (late) Friday.

Getting a late start on the Friday wrap since Mark and I snuck away for a night out to a hotel last night. Thanks so much Mom for giving us some alone time! We stayed at the most fabulous hotel, so check back next week for some colorful photos!
We had a bit of a plumbing issue. 2 playing dogs ran into this fixture and bad things happened. After 3 hours of spraying water all over the back yard, Alec was able to turn off the water. It was a moment when we thought "it's nice to be a renter!"
Mark giving and getting love from the cat. The cats don't get enough love with the devil dogs ruling the house.
Go equal rights! Love seeing all the support on facebook this week.
I'm a little light on photos this week. But it has been a great week for our family. Hope your week has been great too.
Linking up with Life Rearranged and From My Grey Desk.



Color Me A Rainbow

Last year, as we were leaving Palm Springs on our anniversary getaway, we passed by a hotel that caught my attention, in a big way. Turns out, that place is The Saguaro. The rainbow colors painted on the outside of the hotel made me giddy. So on the bucket list it went.

Two week ago, we were in Palm Springs for a night, and I tried to book a room at The Saguaro. It was not meant to be. The hotel was booked that night.

What does this have to do with anything? Well, yesterday I came up with the idea to take my hubby away for a night, just the 2 of us, for a late birthday present. My mom agreed to spend the night with the kids (yeah Mom!), so now I just needed a hotel room. After spending some time searching on hotels.com, I remembered that there is a Saguaro Hotel in Scottsdale. And they had a room available.

So tonight Mark and I are headed here to sleep in a rainbow. And I have a huge smile on my face!



Eating:  Carribean food for lunch. It's a place right down the street, but we haven't tried it yet. I'm leaning towards jerk chicken, not oxtail or curry goat. Not ready for that adventure just yet.

Drinking:  what else? A venti iced coffee with skim milk and 5 pumps of white mocha. I did just switch back from the classic white chocolate mocha latte.

Wearing:  Pj's. Just woke up and wishing I could stay in them all day, but the plumber will be here soon (water leak in backyard yesterday) and I have to hit the grocery stores.

Starting:  back to coupon shopping. I decided to quit a few weeks ago, since I just go to Costco every week. But then that Sunday I went out and bought 3 newspapers again. And I hit 3 stores last night before the sales ended. Yay me! It's a lot of work, but a huge savings.

Feeling:  moody. Happy right now, but I'm sure to switch to cranky with little notice. Poor Mark, he is home with me today.

Reading: Game of Thrones, book 3. I had to borrow a copy, since the one I purchased was dragged outside by the devil dogs last week. And they ate pages 90-160. I was on page 96 at the time. Good thing I love those 2 dogs as much as I do!

Watching:  Walking Dead, Girls, and Justified when there is time, which is maybe 2 hours in any given week. We are a busy family! Hoping to see The Host on Friday.

Weather: 86 today, with slight clouds and 57 tonight. Also known as heavenly.

Needing:  to buy some cute shoes to wear with my skirts at Snap. And some sunglasses to help with all that sunshine we're getting these days.

Thinking:  about this round pendant lamp at West Elm. Saw it in San Diego and fell hard in love, but it was too bulky to fit in the car. Want to drive to the Scottsdale location and buy. Just need to talk Mark into getting it sooner rather than later....

Dreaming:  about summer break. Sleeping in. No homework. No schedules. No driving kids back and forth to school. Lazy summer days. Nine weeks to go.

Loving:  life this week. Not sure why I feel so relaxed, but it's nice. I've been just as busy as normal, but the days don't feel like they are flying by at the speed of  light.

Have a happy day!



I mentioned a few days ago that I'm headed to the Snap blogging conference.  Well, I've been following Snap's blog and it appears that super, over the top, cute business cards are a must. And while I have business cards, they are not the slightest bit cute.

I blame the husband for that. He thought I should earn money from my business before I invest in cute  expensive cards. Darn that man can be overly practical!

So, I've been meaning to buy new cards for the conference, but feeling bad for the 500 sitting in the box on my bookcase. It's not their fault that they are super cute. I mean, I'm the one that ordered them to be printed, right?

Then I came up with the idea to reuse them. I'm painting the blank backside, then adding a magnet to the front. I'm still playing with different paint/marker colors and magnet shapes/placement. So, it's a work in progress at this point.

But I'm having fun. And I'm pretty happy with them so far (if only paint did not warp paper). And I'm feeling good about not tossing out the perfectly OK cards. And, so far, I have not spent a penny on the makeovers. I happen to have PLENTY of supplies on hand.

So, any thoughts? Cute? Stupid? Color suggestions? I need some feedback to take the pressure off the hubby (who thinks everything looks fine). Fine? One does not say fine in these types of situations!

I'm going for super, over the top, cute!


I Spy...Palm Springs' Architecture

Why do I love homes in Palm Springs so much?

The clean lines of the houses?

The fancy wooden doors leading to the front patio area?


But the number one reason why I love Palm Springs' houses? The front door colors.

Every color under the rainbow.


Wanna see more Palm Springs houses? Click here for pics from our visit last summer.


Comfort Zone

Pinned Image

Do you seek things that push you past your comfort zone?
I'm going to Snap in a few weeks.  And I have to admit that I'm kinda scared.
The whole idea of "what if I'm not good enough?"
But I have pushed myself in the past, and it always works out for the best.  Even if it turns out totally different than what I expected.
Have any stories to share with me when you have pushed yourself past your comfort zone?


Friday Wrap

Some weeks are just so busy that they fly by. But it was mainly a good week spent with family.

Dinner with Dad and Mom on 2 nights. Desert Botanical Garden and lunch with Mark's parents. Birthday party for Chelsey and time with all my kids.

Only bummer was that girl hitting my new car. Just a scratch, so nothing too serious. But still makes me sad that it is no longer perfect.

Done with words. Now it's time for photos. Cell phone photos.

1.  Sketch version of Daisy.
2.  Hanging succulent basket.
3.  I'm getting pretty good at this homemade broccoli and cheese soup.
4.  Play time.
5.  Fun photo editing.
6.  Rare proof that I really do exist.
7.  Meet Dexter. Oldest son's new dog. Pug and terrier mix. Pretty adorable but looks like he has some evil brewing below the surface! I'm guessing he will be causing some puppy damage.

Thanks for stopping by. Hoping your week has been full of good memories.

Linking up with Jeannette at Life Rearranged