
Week in the Life (Sunday)

Sunday, April 29th

11:30 am : Wake up. Mark already at work. All 3 kids are awake. Girls watching TV and Alec rearranging/cleaning their room.
11:45 am : Work on blog
12:30 pm : Shower.
1:00 pm : Run around house taking photos of things I love in my home right now.
new bedroom  lamps from Target-too much $ but I do love them

2nd set of drawers for my art studio

emma's crafty space-next to mine

loft art

bulletin board for photo booth pics

start of my globe collection-why fight it!

1:15 pm :Head out. Pick up Red box (Hugo). Pick up Sunday papers (coupons). Go to Michael's to buy flowers that I thought were on sale, but they were not.
2:00 pm : Head to work. Talk to Mom during the commute.
3:00 pm : Clock in for work. Only working 8 hrs tonight (normally work 4 10 hr shifts, but trying 5 8 hr shifts this week to see if it helps my knee pain).
7:10 pm : Delivery arrives. Golden Egg roll. (was not planning on ordering out again, but I have no willpower). Lemon chicken goodness.
11:45 pm : Clock out. Stop for gas. Head home.
12:45 am : Home. I LIKE getting home at this time!

WITL is all done. Liked that I documented something every day. Liked that I will have that to look back on and see how life was today.  Didn't like that I took so few photos. Will definitely participate again next time! What about you? Happy with the week? Give up after a few days? Let me know.


Week in the life (Saturday)

Saturday, April 28th

9:00 am : Wake up. Mark already left for work (overtime)
9:45 am : Accept the fact that I'm not going to fall back asleep and get out of bed.
10:00 am : Work on blog. Decide to change entire template for a new look. Trying to make it look more like me.

sneaking a pix of Alec

11:15 am : Time to shower and get ready for work.
12:00 pm : Take Emma's friend home (we had a sleepover last night).

Emma and her friend playing a card game together

Head to Michael's to buy canvas. Head to Hallmark to mail out canvas (from giveaway)
gift tag at Hallmark-too cute!

1:00 pm :  Head to work. Meet Suzi for coffee. Visit for 50 min. (it felt like speed dating)
2:55 pm : Head to work.
6:40 pm : Food delivery arrives at work. Greek food. I'm very happy!
1:30 am : Finish work.
2:50 am : Work on blog post

Not much going on today. The one thing that seems obvious to me is that I work too much, and that seriously interferes with my play time!

One more day to go. How is everyone doing with their documenting?


Week in the Life (Friday)

Friday, April 27th

6:45 am : Mark gets the kids up and ready for school (yes, the girls did sleep all night long after never waking up from that afternoon nap yesterday).
8:00 am : Mark gets a call from Katie. She is at the bus stop with a lost dog. He walk down to help find the owner. Calls animal control and leaves a voice mail. Ends up bringing the dog back to our house and letting him hang out in our back yard. The lost dog feels the need to mark his territory all over our back yard, making our dog crazy, who then has to run around and try to cover up any scents left from the lost dog! Mark ends up finding the dog's owner and lost dog ends his adventure safely.
8:30 am : Mark starts working on cleaning up the back  yard and pulling weeds. This is a HUGE chore. The weeds have been out of control for most of the winter. Go Mark!
9:00 am : I wake up and head to the computer to work on the blog.
9:15 am : Wrap canvas for the giveaway winner.

9:30 am : Start another canvas. I'm so totally in the zone right now. Too bad it's a work day.

12:00 pm :Head back to computer to work on blog. So cool to see all the countries listed who had checked out my blog!

12:45 pm: Shower. Head out to lunch. Chick-fil-a to use the B1/G1 free coupon. I do love me some coupons!
2:00 pm : Head to work.
6:00 pm : Mark take Emma and her friend, along with Katie to the school carnival. Emma will be presenting her scientific experiment at the carnival.
7:00 pm : Lunch time. Leftover red beans and rice. My view walking down the hallway at dinnertime.

10:00 pm : Break time. Finish off the last of the Thin Mints that I have been hoarding in my locker. So sad to see them gone until next year.

Notes: Where are my children?? It's crazy how few photos I have taken of them this week. Perhaps tomorrow?

If anyone is out there reading my blog, please leave me comment. I would love to hear from you!


Week in the LIfe (Thursday)

Thursday, May 26th

6:45 am : Mark gets kids up and I sleep (worked again last night)
11:00 am: I wake up. Work on blog. Announce winner to yesterday's giveaway. Open new e-mail account for blogging.
12:00 am: Look into selling at Art in the Alley, next week. Try to figure out what a state tax id number is. Get frustrated after looking online and calling the 1-800 number. Give up. Next week is too soon anyways, but definately planning for June.

1:00 pm : Spend some time looking at other blogs and dreaming about what I want mine to look like going into the future.
2:00 pm : Get dressed. Gather books, laptop, cup,etc (reminds me of when I had to lug around babies and diaper bags) and head to Starbucks to relax/work.

4:30 pm : Leave Starbucks to take Alec to the gym
5:45 pm : Safeway, then Fry's for groceries

6:30 pm: Pick Alec up from gym
6:55 pm: Unload groceries. Emma asleep on couch and Katie asleep upstairs (both girls slept through the rest of the evening!)

7:00 pm : Start dinner. Realize we are out of potatoes, so there goes baked potatoes for dinner. Decide to make bean burritos instead.
7:30 pm : Mark and Alec leave to see "Cabin in the Woods". This is a reward for getting a 100% on his last geometry test.
7:40 pm : Head upstairs to call Mom and start on a new canvas.

modeling paste


10:00 pm : Stand up and stretch. My paintings are making me giddy!

10:30 pm : Alec and Mark get home. I'm putting the finishing touches on the 3 canvases. Still giddy!!

11:00 pm : All done. I'm in my happy place!
11:30 pm : Mark home from Quick Trip run. Sitting down to watch episode 1 of Season 2 "Game of Thrones"
 1:00 am : Bedtime

Notes:  Still not enough pictures. But it's going to be okay.....I keep telling myself. And I'm so happy. No matter what happens with this blog and the shop, I am so happy working on my "business". Thanks to everyone who is showing their support and love, especially thanks to my husband. :]


Giveaway winner

The winner for the 6x6 camera canvas giveaway is........tginguyen who commented:

Love the orange one! It is absolutely gorgeous!

Are you enjoying the happiness project? I came across it once, thought about it ... and then forgot about it. I'll look into it again. Thanks for sharing.

Week in the Life (Wednesday)

Check back later today for the winner of Wednesday's giveaway.

Wednesday, April 25th
  • 11:30 am : Woke up (worked until 1:30 am this morning, then drive home and work on blog meant bed time was at 3:30 am.
  • 12:10 pm : Check on blog. 1 comment = 1 entry for the giveaway. Hoping to get a few more before the contest ends Thursday morning.
  • 12;30 pm : Start work on a new canvas.
Seek everyday beauty

  • 1:00 pm : Shower. Leave for work.
My view in the car

  • 5:45 pm : Dart off to the mobile Occ Health room to get my annual TB skin test (almost forgot and it ends at 6). Get a tetanus booster also.
  • 1:3o am : Finish work. Stop for 2 tacos and a diet coke.(so bad at night but tastes so good)
  • 2:45 am : Work on blog post
  • 3:30 am : Go to sleep

Boy, I'm feeling like I need to take way more photos.
It's hard when I have to work and most of the day
there. Tomorrow is an off day, so I will be taking more
photos then. Happy Thursday!


Week in the Life (Tuesday)

Tuesday, April 24th
Welcome Week in the Life Linkers.  To celebrate the project, I though I would give away one of my camera canvases (a $25 value). These a 6x6 canvas art that are so cute. Just leave a comment letting me know which camera canvas is your favorite, and one lucky person will be chosen at random from the comments.

Capture Life

Live in the Moment

Oh Snap!
So let me know if your fave is "Capture Life", "Live in the Moment", or Oh Snap. Giveaway ends at 7am, Thursday, April 26th:
  •  6:45 am : Same wake-up routine. Katie missed the bus (she fell back asleep), so had to drive her to school also
  • 9:00 am : Appt. with Otho doctor to review MRI results. Look like I will be having surgery in early June
  • 10:15 am : Back home. Decide to finish reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. The days are long, but the years are short. Wow. So true! Leaning heavily toward starting my own happiness project, but will have to wait a bit. Life is just too hectic right now. Maybe when I'm stuck home, recovering from surgery, I will have some time.
  • 11:10 am: Work on blog
  • 11:30 am : Leave to meet dad at mall for lunch. I'm leaving early so I can fit in an hour at Barnes and Noble. Flipping through magazines and books in their cafe, along with an iced coffee, is on my top 5 favorite things to do (does that make me sound boring?)
  • Dad treated for lunch at Subway and desert at Starbucks (inside B&N). Had a nice visit.
  • 2:30 pm : Head to work. It's 95 degrees out today. Yikes. Too hot for me!
  • 3:00 pm : Work starts. Woo hoo. It's Lab Week (of course I forgot). That means dinners provided all week long. Tonight was Nacho night. Very yummy. Thanks Lab Week committee!
  • 11:30 pm : Break time. Check blog stats. 35 visits to my blog today. I almost fell out of my chair. So happy! And I even had my first comment since I started the blog {about a month ago}. Thanks for the comment!!!! Good to know there is someone out there listening!
Miss Zoey enjoying the sun

Future project??


Sitting area st work


Week in the Life (Monday)

Monday, April 23rd 2012
  • 7:00 am : Get kids up for school. Lunch money handed out ($20 for Alec and Katie, $13 for Emma). Money to replace Emma's library book (Einstein nibbled on it).
  • 7:40 am : Take Emma to school, then Alec. Katie rides the bus
  • 8:05 am : Home to a quiet house. Wash dishes. Eat breakfast. Read a chapter out of The Happiness Project. Read favorite blogs to gather ideas for Week in the Life Project.
  • 10:00 am :Shower. Meet Traci for coffee at Starbucks. Pass out first business card.
  • 1:00 pm : MRI
  • 3:00 pm : Emma home. Leaves to play at her friend's house
  • 3:30 pm : Pick up Alec from school (staying late for Geometry help)
  • 3:50 pm : Work on blog
  • 4:45 pm : Take Alec to gym. Dry clothes at laundry mat (dryer broken). Pick up a few grocery items at Fry's. Drop off Bob and Kristi's wedding invite at post office.
  • 6:45 pm : Make dinner. Hot dogs, salad, watermelon, chips. Fried ice cream flavored ice cream cones for desert. 
  • 7:15 pm: Help Emma with her science project. Should it be watching sound waves (stretch balloon over cup, then sing next to cup, watch the sugar dance) or color changing celery (add food coloring to cups of water, then add celery, and watch for the celery to change colors)
  • 8:00 pm: No t.v.tonight. Too tired and just feel like chillin'. Sit outside for a while enjoying the cool night air (high today was 99) and admiring the stars (especially the very bright Venus).
  • 9:15 pm: Climb up the stairs for bed. I've been dozing off and on the last hour (only slept 4 1/2 hours last night). Mark offered to stay up and put the girls to bed at 9:30.
dropping Emma off at school

dropping Alec off at school
clean kitchen

Mr. Einstein

Emma trying to get the sugar to dance

night sky looking down our street


Hello Monday: Week in the Life project

Happy Monday everyone. Is anyone out there going to be participating in Ali Edward's Week in the Life project? I'm going to. This will be my first time. I have been doing Ali's December Daily project for the past 3 years, and I love that her projects help capture the everyday moments of life right now.

So, the idea is to document what you are doing this week. Just the normal everyday moments. Or bigger moments, if that turns out to be part of your story this week. Go check out Ali's blog for the full details.  I made a last minute decision to do  this, so I haven't had any time to prep. I'm just going to start tomorrow morning by opening up my day timer and begin to document. The challenge will be to remember to use my camera all throughout the day. And then I plan to do a blog entry every evening to record all the details while they are still fresh in my mind. I'm hoping to maybe print my blog posts for the book I will be making later (next week?). I'm not sure how to print blog posts at this time, but I just learned how to add a link to a post (see the pink words in the first paragraph), so I'm sure I can figure out how to print!

And just because I believe that every post needs a photo, here is a picture of my new business cards.

They came in the mail Saturday and they make me so stinkin' happy! I'm not even sure why I need them at this point, but I got 500 for $13.74 and they shipped for free, so how could I pass that up??

Check back later tonight to see how day 1 went. And I would love for you to leave a comment and let me know that you are out there!


Happy Earth Day

Okay. Here is that project I hinted at earlier in the week. We are going to re-purpose old gift cards.

It was super easy and took about an hour to make several. Here's how we, Emma and I, did it. (The idea came from the Michael's website).

1. Gather some old (zero balance) gift cards.
2. Pick out some pretty papers to cover both sides of the card.
3. Apply a layer of gel medium or Mod Podge to one side of the card. Place a piece of paper over the wet gel medium and smooth out any air bubbles. Add a layer of gel medium on top of the paper.

4. Allow the surface to dry to the touch (no longer tacky). We used a heat gun to speed up the process.
5. Trim off the excess paper using scissors.
6. Flip over and repeat the process. Note: Don't worry if the edges of the paper are not adhering well. We will be adding another layer of gel medium at the end.
7. Paint both sides of the card.

When dry, decorate the card. We used extra paint colors, various stamps, some decorative tape, and markers to add words (both gel markers and sharpies).
8. Punch a hole in the top. We used the Crop-a-dile tool, but a hole punch would work too.

9. Apply a last layer of gel medium over both sides of the card, and on the edges also, to really seal that paper to the card.
10. Add a pretty ribbon.

These are the front and back of the 2 that I made:

And this is the one that Emma made:

Now you just need to decide what to do with your art. I'm going to use mine as gift tags for presents. Maybe in December I can make some for Christmas presents. I was also thinking about attaching several with a jump ring to make a mini-book.

Turned out to be a cute idea, and it cost no money if you used supplies you have on hand. And we even helped to celebrate Earth Day by re-purposing something that would have been thrown away!

Happy Earth Day!


Feeling blah today

Not feeling it today. Woke up with a headache that won't go away. Feeling a little down. Wishing I had time to stop here before work:

Wildflower Bread Company. Soup in a bread bowl and a kid's grilled cheese sandwich.  Pure happiness. Mark and I had date night there last week.  Yum!  I'm sure this combo could knock that headache right out of me!

Hope your day is going better than mine. And if your schedule is clear today and you're feeling a little bored, you could always pick up dinner for 2 and come visit me in the break room. Around 7 pm.  :)